Pornstar Data Calculation - FAQ

1. What data is used to calculate the pornstar's performance?
The system collects data for each pornstar from video platforms, including:
2. How is the stock value calculated?
The stock value is a weighted combination of various factors like likes, comments, followers, ratings, and frequency of posts. The formula used is:
stock_value = (likes * 0.3) + (comments * 0.2) + (followers * 0.3) + (ratings * 0.1) + (frequency_of_posts * 0.1)
Each factor is normalized, meaning it is scaled relative to the maximum value in the dataset.
3. What is the frequency of posts?
The frequency of posts is calculated by taking the total number of videos and dividing it by the span of days between the first and last posts. This gives an average posting rate:
frequency_of_posts = total_videos / (last_post_date - first_post_date + 1)
4. How is historical stock data calculated?
The historical stock data tracks how the model's stock value changes over time. It is calculated by comparing the engagement on each post (views and ratings) with previous posts and adjusting the stock value accordingly.
5. How is the engagement calculated for each post?
Engagement for each post is determined by:
current_engagement = (views + (rating / 5.0) * 100)
This combines the number of views with a normalized rating (converted to a percentage) to give an engagement score.
6. What happens if there are no videos?
If no videos are available for the pornstar, the frequency of posts, stock value, and other metrics will return a value of 0.
7. What is the smoothing process for historical stock data?
To avoid sudden spikes or drops in stock value, a smoothing algorithm is applied using a rolling window average. This process looks at a small set of previous values and averages them to create a smoother stock history.